Monday, December 15, 2008

Podcast / Thank You!

Only Science and KRUI would like to thank you for tuning in this semester!

Click on the video below to hear the podcast! I'll try to get a more compatible version up and running.....

Thanks to Lily Pappas, Lawrence De Geest and Nathan Dengle for their voices, time and effort, as well additional input and help from Paul, Grandpa Red, Mike, and KyGuy, my relatives in Sweden for sending me weird facebook application invites, Chris for his biblical prowess, my parents, for a week in an exotic land to map the idea for the Extravaganza, Scott “the Godfather of Rock and Roll” Nielsen, and all of my dedicated listeners out there you know who you are, without you, this show wouldn’t be afloat. Thanks to all the guests who appeared on Only Science this semester, you make me sound good. Hope we all stay warm this Holiday Season, and can spend some time with our families, I’ll be rooting the Hawks on in Tampa, I hope you do too. We are 100% on the air next semester, bookmark the webpage for updates and random posts from me, I may become a transient sports journalist on January 1. Once the ball is rolling again, and it rolled quite a bit in the first season with record number downloads, you will be hearing raw, unfiltered Only Science, the way science is supposed to be. We’ve even got plans for a live interactive audience broadcast of the next science fiction thriller in collaboration with the KRUI 25 Years on The Air Celebration. Iowa City and the rest of the world, good luck on finals and have a safe and happy holiday season and thanks for following Only Science.


Today, Only Science and KRUI 89.7FM are broadcasting A Country Western Science Fiction Holiday Extravaganza at Noon on the airways! Created by Erik Lee Nylen and starring Lily Pappas, Lawrence De Geest, and Nathan Dengle as the Devil, the Extravaganza is a dark comic tale about life, peace, poverty, and Christmas.

Click here to hear the show live at Noon today!

If that doesn't work, trying clicking here,

or just go to

Check back later this afternoon to podcast the Extravaganza!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Extravaganza....


Don't forget to tune in this upcoming Monday, December the 15th at Noon to either 89.7FM or for a live stream.

Click here to see the promo for the upcoming show.

Hope you all can tune in, and if not, hopefully you can podcast it. And, if you are like most people and don't like science fiction, but are also like most people and have weird relatives that like science fiction, burn them a copy of the show once it is posted for the holidays! It's the gift that keeps on giving.


Monday, December 8, 2008

Podcast It!

Thanks to Dr. Ruth Bentler and Dr. Trish Zebrowski for appearing on Only Science today, we learned some valuable insight into the research, academics and clinical services provided by the Wendell Johnson Speech & Hearing Center

For a podcast of today's show, use this cool widget:

Show Today

Tune in today over the noon hour to hear Dr. Zebrowski and Dr. Bentler from the Wendell Johnson Speech & Hearing Center talk about both research at the center and the services that are available to the UI community.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Many thanks to Heidi Kuda of ICARE for appearing on Only Science to talk about World AIDS Day.  

Visit for more information!